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3 abr 2010

Foundation Done! I Love Checking This Off My List!

Foundation Done! I Love Checking This Off My List!

Last week we finished the foundation of the house! This is super exciting news for two main reasons.

Reason Number 1: My digging and earth moving days are now officially over

Reason Number 2: The house is actually starting to look like a house instead of just a big filthy pile of dirt.

When I last left you, we had finished filling the foundation. The next step was to build the cadena inferior, a 20 centimeter cement and iron perimeter that sits on the foundation. The cadena inferior secures two pillars and 36 long iron rods that travel though the brick to the roof of the house.

I´m not going to get all technical with you about the purpose of the iron rods (mainly because I would have no idea what I was talking about), but the idea is that the iron gives the house some flexibility. As you well know, in Chile we get a lot of earthquakes. A house with a lot of iron rods sways and moves during an earthquake, while a house without cracks and falls.

The two pictures that I have included in this post show my two worker bees installing the wooden mold for the cadena inferior and one of the pillars.

1 comentario:

  1. Isn't it amazing to see a house take shape where there was NADA before?!? That is Seba's favorite part of construction, it amazes me too.
