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27 abr 2010

Kyle Hepp's Photos of La Obra

Yesterday was a very special day for Christian and I. Kyle Hepp, the fabulous photographer who took our wedding pictures, came out to the construction site to do a photo session with us.

What can I say about Kyle. She is easily the most talented photographer that I have seen. Every time I see her photos I am blown away. Not only is she a great photographer, she is so nice and easy to work with. She always puts me at ease while she is photographing. The end result, totally natural looking pictures and a really fun session.

I know that most of my readers are from the United States, well do I have some good news for you. Kyle will be in the US taking photos for the next six months! Although I am sad to have her leave Chile, I am glad to be able to share her with you. Seriously, check her out!

Check out her blog, to see photos of our shoot.

1 comentario:

  1. You're WAY too nice Keri! I'm so happy you liked the pictures of your obra. You should be so proud of everything you've done!
