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15 abr 2010

Over The Hump

Everyone that I know would tell me not to write what I am going to write...but it seems to be that time in the project.

Why did I do this to myself? Did I need the hassle, the frustration and the head ache so badly that I went and sought it out? Apparently so.

In construction there is problem after problem. How can there be so many problems you may ask. I don´t know, but there are. I get to work at 8 in the morning, I am the first one there, and some how I already find some problem.

Yesterday for example, I told my worker bees to come in early get at it. They did and I was shocked (seriously I had prepared my ¨responsibility speech¨ for them the night before). They came in and started laying brick. The work was going super fast and I though, hey maybe I will be able to go early so I can make this weeks purchases. WRONG. Our cement mixer up and died. So just as that lovely though came into my head, there it went again. I spent the rest of the day mixing cement by hand (actually by shovel). I then had to track one down (no easy feet) and went to buy the things we need, but guess what. Sodimac (Chile´s Home Depot.) was out of the 1X4s that I need and they don´t know when they will be getting more stock. I got back to the construction site at nine at night with only half the things I need and still had to unload a truck full of 4.5 meter iron wires.

Now don´t worry, I will complain and moan, but I will also solve the problems and get the job done. It is just this time, but last stretch.

I will end with some good news. We finished laying all the brick for the house! My team told me that it would be done on Saturday. I told them no, it will be done on Thursday, and wa la, it is done, a little construction magic.

1 comentario:

  1. Aaaand, the gringa boss laws down the law :)

    That's how construction is. You can moan and cry all you want to Seba when we see you guys because he will totally commiserate from his days in the field!!!
