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18 may 2010

What is Next

Sorry for my absence, when you find yourself with nothing to read, pick up Mansfield Park, you won´t be sorry.

I have had a rough week. A few days ago I thought my friend in the hospital died, but then discovered he really didn´t, and now he is off life support which is great! Nevertheless, it has been a lot of ups and downs.

Since deciding to uproot my life and make a very drastic change, I have been thinking very carefully about my next move. Of course I am going to grad school to be a economist, however an economist can really work in a lot of things. I decided to take a career test just incase a multiple choice quiz could tell me something that 23 years of living with myself couldn´t. Here are the results.

I am an INFJ or an ¨author¨ as they call it. I have a strong drive and enjoyment to help others. I have a complex personality (thank you very much). I am serious student and worker, and I really want to contribute. I am private and easily hurt. I make good spouses, but tend to be physically reserved (I hope they are not referring to you know what).

Well that is dead on. According to the test I am 76% introverted. Now some of you may say that is not true she is very friendly. No I am not, I´m pretty good at faking being social, but that is about it. Besides my father I am most private person that I know, and unfortunately, it is easy to hurt my feelings (I spent my entire youth trying not to be like the Joni Mitchells of the world but here I am).

When I told my husband about my results he said it was dead on except for the good spouse part (thanks honey) and added ¨Keri working studying and helping are the ONLY things that you like to do.¨ With the exception of my morning coffee that is pretty much true.

So here are my career options

career counselor (I don´t even know what I want to do so probably not)
educational consultant (is this even a real job?)
special education teacher (I have never been confused for a patient person)
librarian (I would like to be a librarian, I would enjoy story time as much as the kids)
artist (they don´t take talent into account on this quiz)
playwright (To be honest I find myself rather trite, and I am told that my spelling and grammar suck)
editor/art director
HRM manager
minister (my foul mouth and the Greek Orthodox rules are standing in my way for this job)
environmental lawyer
marketer (our culture is consumer driven enough, it doesn´t need any help from me)
mental health counselor (I am a pretty good listener)
educational consultant (wasn´t this already mentioned?)
architects (One in the family is enough I think)
interpreter/translator (This is the fall back career for ever gringa in Chile)

So there you have it, my career options. I am still uninspired, and after all this if my ideal career is translating I am going to have to hang myself.

1 comentario:

  1. Where did you take that test? Now I want to do it and see what (non) career options I have!
