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13 jul 2010

F- For Blogging, A+ For Roofing

Bloggers I have sinned, it has been a really long time since my last entry. I could point the finger at my better half (which is actually what I am doing right now), but it isn't his fault. It is our rechargeable batteries fault. They died and left us with nothing. We grieved, we accepted, we got camera phones.
As you may remember, it was our plan to put a tin roof on the Catemu house, however because there is no tin to be had due to that pesky earthquake, our friends in Catemu got a, very posh for Chile, Gringo style roof. The roof looks like yours and mine, but no one in Chile puts these roofs on their houses because it is a long process and the material is more expensive. The benefits, ahh hello it is gorgeous, but besides that it is a better quality roof that will last them for years to come. You can see from the photos the neighbors roofs are made out of tin and one even uses bricks to hold the roof on...hum. All in all it was well worth the extra work we (actually Christian) had to put into roofing the house.

I am also told that our windows will be arriving in two days. We had a big problem with our glass supplier, due to the high demand after the earthquake. That will give you all something to look forward to.

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